Subject Information [Year of Establishment and Seat Capacity] :

SL Subject Honours Masters
Year of Affeliation Seat Capacity Year of Affeliation Seat Capacity
[Masters Part-1]
01. Bengali 230
02. English 230
03. Arabic&IslamicStudies 130
04. Urdu
05. History 245
06. IslamicHistory&Culture 245
07. Philosophy 210
08. PoliticalScience 245
09. Sociology 70
10. Economics 245
11. Marketing 2011 100
12. Finance&Banking 2011 100
13. Accounting 280
14. Management 280
15. Physics 130
16. Chemistry 130
17. Matdematics 210
18. Botany 135
19. Zoology 145
TotalSeat= 3360