Head of Department

Professor Shamima Akhtar

Department Overview

Carmichael College is one of renowned institutes of Bangladesh that have been contributing to safeguard the tradition of quality education and nourishment of culture. The foundation of this prestigious college was laid in 1916 against the backdrop of a charming environment teeming with serene beauty of green nature over a vast expanse of 300 acores of land which is about 5 kilometers away from the heart of the Rangpur City. Later on , I.Sc, B.Sc and Honours course were introduced under Physics department in 1922,1925 and 1930 respectively. But unfortunately Honours course procedure were ceased from 1947 to 1953, due to the independence of sub-continent of India. Afterwards in 1954, the Honours course was resumed . However, Masters previous and Masters Final year were introduced under this department in 1974 and 1995 respectively. This department is proud of having a seminar hall enriched in books and journals, where students have access to precious books of world class physicists. Every classroom has the arrangement of projectors, through which teachers impart lessons in a digitalized system. Apart from that, we have separate laboratories for students of different years. Every lab has adequate tools and materials, by which students can have hands-on experiments of a wide variety of terms related to physics. Here there is an organization named `Quanta” for practices of science and culture , which is a great field of foods for thoughts of students.

Present Teachers List

01. Shamima Akhter 07903 Professor 14 89 01718009109 01/10/2012
02. Md. Shafique Hossain 008897 Associate Professor 18 40 01916666496 02/11/2016
03. Md. Shafiqur Rahman 010773 Associate Professor 20 12 01728357777 15/06/2019
04. Prodip Kumar Sarkar 012489 Associate Professor 22 46 01716936441 14/07/2007
05. Nepal Chandra Rai (Associate Professor) 013041 Assistant Professor 22 72 01718242805 14/07/2010
06. Md. Aminul Haque (Associate Professor) 016609 Assistant Professor 22 79 01744710294 14/07/2010
07. Md. Wazed Ali 018551 Assistant Professor 28 15 01718420170 04/07/2021
08. Mr.Shamol Chandra Roy 025896 Assistant Professor 33 27 01731448680 28/02/2024
09. Md. Rabiul Islam 128003 Lecturer 36 03 01751766389 03/09/2018
10. Mahmuda Ali 36128053 Lecturer 36 07 01736090283 03/09/2018
11. Md. Golam Mostafa 36128053 Lecturer 36 53 01723862673 03/09/2018
12. Lecturer
13. Mrs. Nazmun Nahar Keya Demonstrator not applicable 01731283012 29/05/2017
14. Mst. Jeshur Nahar Demonstrator not applicable 01750345034 ?

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Dept. of Physics
Carmichael College, Rangpur



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